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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Egg caramel pudding

Egg caramel pudding is a very excellent dessert  made of simple ingredients like Egg, Sugar,Milk.Kids and adults every body like it very much.this dish is highly full of proteins and calories. there are two parts for Egg caramel pudding one part is make caramel and another part is pudding.let we know about the ingredients.

Caramel pudding Recipe:

Preparation time: 10 mins
cook time : 50 mins
serves : As desired


Egg - 4
Milk -  500 ml ( after boiling it will be 250 ml) around 2 cups
condensed milk : 1 cup
sugar: according to taste
Vanilla essence : 1/2 tea spoon


First step : Making caramel

take a pan add 2 tea spoon of water and add 3 teaspoon sugar cooked till the sugar makes brown.when it will brown your caramel is ready.

Second Step: Pudding

take a bowl beat the eggs add milk (when it will be cool,don't add hot milk),sugar,essence and beat again 2 mins.take the caramel pan which you made before pour the the pan into a bigger pan filled with water,cover with a lid and put a heavy object on it.keep adding water into the big pan until the pudding sets cook it around 50 mins.keep it into the refrigerator when it will chill its ready to serve. take a plate and loose the side and invert it.

Lets enjoy..thank you.  

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